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Why choose jewelry made by Meraki Diamonds using Lab-grown diamonds?

Lab-grown or environment-friendly diamonds are created in a laboratory using a synthetic treatment process.

Lab-grown diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically identical to natural diamonds. They too are graded using the same 4C's i.e. Colour, Cut, Clarity, and Carat, just as mined diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds are less expensive as they can be made to order in any size, shape, or color.

Most importantly Lab-grown diamonds are considered to be more ethical and environmentally friendly as they do not require mining which is harmful to the environment and people working and living near the mines. Below, are a few of the reasons why one should choose Lab-grown diamonds:

Lab-grown diamonds are typically much cheaper than naturally mined diamonds. This is because they can be produced more quickly, efficiently, and authentically and with limited resources.

Lab-grown diamonds are typically much cheaper than naturally mined diamonds. This is because they can be produced more quickly, efficiently, and authentically and with limited resources.



Lab-grown diamonds are often seen as a more ethical choice because they do not require mining, which can have a very serious impact on our environment.


Lab-grown diamonds are just as beautiful and authentic as mined diamonds. They are graded and certified using the same standards as mined diamonds.


Lab-grown diamonds require less energy to produce, and they do not contribute to environmental damage. By choosing jewelry made by Meraki Diamonds you can be sure that your purchase is not contributing towards violence or human rights abuse. 


Lab-grown diamonds do not require any water whereas mining of a diamond requires a significant amount of water.


The mining of diamonds can release harmful pollutants into the environment and it also produces a significant amount of waste. Whereas Lab-grown diamonds do not release any pollutants and very little waste

Therefore if you don't want to leave your carbon footprints, then jewelry made using Lab-grown diamond is the best choice. They are just as beautiful, and valuable as mined diamonds with a much smaller environmental impact.

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